April 2020
Dear Members,
We have been thinking about how we might help and support our members just now.
This new way of life is all very strange, and it is fairly clear that it is going to go on for some considerable time.
It is not only businesses that are finding things difficult, financially, but institutions such as our small museums and heritage venues who depend on grants, donations, and the commitment of their volunteers to keep going. Sources of income have, to all intents and purposes, dried up and who knows when they might return? We, your ABMHF committee, know how worrying this is and so, our first thought was to try to ensure that you knew of the resources you might be able to call on to help you through. Below you will find links to the Museums Galleries Scotland, the Community Heritage Scotland Alliance and National Heritage Lottery Fund help pages. You may not know about some of these – although some of you will. Please do take the time to explore the help and information that is available. If you are still struggling to find out whether there is help out there for you, please let us know and we will do our best to help.
In the meantime, please stay safe and we’ll see you at the other end of this.
Yours faithfully
Anne Cleave (Chair)
and the members of the committee.
Alison Diamond
Argyll & Bute Museums & Heritage Forum
c/o Argyll Papers, Cherry Park, Inveraray PA32 8XE
E: abmhforum@gmail.com T: 01499 302 698 M: 07943 667673
The Argyll & Bute Museums & Heritage Forum is a constituted organisation set up to further the skills, knowledge, experience and practice of those involved in museums, community heritage centres and archives in Argyll & Bute. Membership is free to interested organisations and individuals.
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