Invitation to Feature Your Museum or Heritage Organisation on Our Website & Digital Map Argyll & Bute Museums & Heritage Forum is updating its website to include a more comprehensive resource for our local heritage community and beyond. We are inviting museums and heritage organisation members to contribute their detailsContinue Reading

ABMHF AGM 14th November 2024 online – please email us for the link We very much need and welcome new trustees / directors. Currently (Nov 2024) we have only 3 active committee members as our wonderful Secretary stepped down at the recent AGM, and another member has just had herContinue Reading

Online Community Meetings The Creating Connections project for 2024 builds on the work and events the Forum have been doing for the last few years, especially the Connecting Conversations conference in February 2023 where we engaged with a wider variety of the Argyll and Bute heritage sector, reaching out toContinue Reading

Heritage Cafes : We have learned in recent years how useful and positive having online heritage cafes have been to other Forums around Scotland and would like to offer this “safe space” to our members where we can share our experiences, learn together, provide support and skills. ABMHF are delightedContinue Reading

from FACEBOOK Creative Scotland Help protect and celebrate Scotland’s intangible heritage by nominating your local traditions Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) is a tradition, practice, or living expression of a group which includes things oral traditions, performing arts, festive events, and traditional crafts. In Scotland, intangible heritage practices include things like:Continue Reading