Invitation to Feature Your Museum or Heritage Organisation on Our Website & Digital Map
Argyll & Bute Museums & Heritage Forum is updating its website to include a more comprehensive resource for our local heritage community and beyond.
We are inviting museums and heritage organisation members to contribute their details to be featured on:

  • Our Members’ Resource Page: A dedicated section showcasing our local museums and heritage member organisations and venues, with more information and a representative image
  • Our New Interactive Digital Map: Signposting website visitors to your organisation / venue.

By participating, you’ll help us highlight the vibrant heritage landscape in our region and connect with a broader audience as well as drive more interest to your own organisation.
The existing simple list of organisation members is on the page :
If you know a community heritage organisation, a heritage venue, or related heritage business in Argyll and Bute who are not on the list, please encourage them to join the Forum – it is free.
We welcome individuals to join too, whether or not your organisation is a member. That way you get the news we share directly to your own inbox. Individual members details are not included on the website. 

Once the website has been updated the information will be included in the enhanced members entry on the Argyll Heritage digital map over the coming months.

Please complete the form below to share your details:
If you are no longer the person responsible for the organisation or this aspect of admin, please forward this email to whomever is. If you can let us know as well, that would be much appreciated. Many thanks.
If you prefer to use a google form – the link is here

(Name of your organisation or venue as you want to be used on the website)
preferably avoiding individual personnel as these change:
Type of organisation eg. archive, building, heritage centre, local history society, cultural organisation, family history business, heritage tour company
Tell us about your organisation, venue, and the activities, opportunities, events you offer.
Drop your file here or click here to upload
Please attach an image to represent your organisation. Please use a jpg file, preferably with the name of organisation in its filename. This can be a Logo or related image, that you have the rights to use and transfer to ABMHF for the website and promoting yourselves on Social media. Watermarked images are welcome. It is best if this image is Square or a simple rectangle, not a narrow wide header or tall portrait so as to work best on both mobile and PC displays.)

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